A work representing 7 years of research, this book consists of all identifiable Confederate graves in Stephens County, Ga. along with their wives graves. Also included with these records, where obtainable, is a genealogical profile of each soldier and in this profile the soldier's dates of birth and death, his wife's maiden name and date and place of their marriage; his parents names and in some cases his mother's maiden name with date and place of their marriage; his siblings, and where possible, his children's names. Military records include company, regiment, branch of service, and the county from which he served. Many have complete service records, and if he drew a Confederate pension from the State of Ga. and if his wife filed for a widow's pension. All the preceding is individually referenced, including title, volume, and page number of the source from which they were taken. The burial records are completely indexed.

Appendix I contains the Militia Re-enactment Enrollment resulting from the act of Dec. 14, 1863 by Gov. Joseph Brown of Ga. These militia records include age, occupation, place of birth and district in which they were enrolled. All the lists in these sections are arranged alphabetically.

Appendix II contains the complete Salt Lists of 1863 and 1864 of Franklin and Habersham County, Ga. These lists include Wives, Widows, and Families of Soldiers eligible for salt rations.

**Note: Due to 1905 formation of Stephens County from Habersham and Franklin county the Militia and Salt Lists will include bothFranklin and Habersham County Records

Appendix III contains the Stephens County Pension Applications of Veterans and Widows.

Appendix IV contains the Rosters of Confederate soldiers in various Regiments of Infantry from the surrounding area. Amoung the units included are: Co. C, 4th GA Sharpshooters; Co D, 5th GA Militia; Co. C, 9th GA Battn.; Co. B, 15th GA Inf.; Co. H, 24th GA Inf.; Co. G, 34th GA Inf.; Co. F, 37th GA Inf.;

Appendix V contains some Obituaries of Confederate Veterans from the Toccoa Record Newspaper.

Appendix IV contains other miscellaneous records which consist of; 1886 pensioners, and a list of all the men in the county that were not identifiable as Confederate Soldiers with sources available to me.


Highlights of "These Men Wore Grey"

Volume III

Stephens County, Georgia

*Book is Softbound, 230 pages, printed on 24 lb., 8 ½ x 11 paper

* Lists 647 known burial sites of Confederate Soldiers and their wives. Completely INDEXED.

*Lists 700 Confederate soldiers identified as having service in Franklin/Habersham Co., Ga.

* Lists the complete Salt Records of Franklin/HabershamCo. of 1863 and 1864. 2,800 names.

*Lists 675 Militia Enrollment records

*Lists 485 Confederate pension Records of Veterans and Widows

*Lists 17 Obituaries of Confederate Veterans from Stephens County

*All Lists are Alphabetically arranged for easy searching

*All work completely referenced with Bibliography included.

*The author, Karen T. Ledford, was reared in Franklin Co., Ga., is a member of Toccoa, Georgia Chapter #1294, United Daughters of the Confederacy and, in addition to her original membership certificate, holds fifty certified supplemental certificates. She is also the recipient of both the UDC's Jefferson Davis Historical Medal for her work in the interment records of Confederate Soldiers of Georgia and the Winnie Davis Medal for her work "above and beyond the call of duty." In addition, she is a member of the Toccoa Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

*This book makes available to the researcher not only proof of military service in the Confederate forces but allows the researcher to make new discoveries in their own family genealogy and makes available material they would otherwise have to travel to numerous locations to find. Due to the author's perseverance, this information has now been compiled into a one-of-a-kind research book. Additional volumes in the series will include: Madison, and, and Elbert,  Volumes currently available now are: Franklin, Habersham, Rabun, Stephens, White, Banks, and Jackson  and Hart Counties.


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